Authors wishing to have their work published in The TRELLIS Papers will be expected to follow the guidelines presented in TTP 2; they will also be expected to comply with the following additional rules, the purpose of which is to facilitate editing and to provide homogeneity. Articles should not exceed 10000 words. Contents might include review articles. Default margins should be used throughout.
Spelling “valour”, rather than “valor”; “civilized”, rather than “civilised” (but, of course, “advertise”)
Main text Font: Times New Roman 11
Spacing: 1.2
End-notes Font: Times New Roman 10
Spacing: 1.0
No footnotes to be used, only end-notes denoted by superscript numbers.
Notes should not be inserted automatically (this can hamper the work of editors considerably)
Long quotations Indent once
Font: Times New Roman 10
Spacing: 1.0
Double inverted commas preferred over the single. The latter to be used within quotations already enclosed with double inverted commas.
Underlining and bold type are not to be used
Position of stops: comma, full stop, colon and semi-colon are not to be enclosed within parentheses or inverted commas. But superscript numbers will be placed outside stops.
Original publication date must be given, as a matter of respect for the history of the text, except where the antiquity of the text makes this impractical. If the date of the edition used differs from the original one, it should be given after the name of the publisher. E.g.:
CAMPBELL, Joseph 1949 Th e Hero With a Th ousand Faces. London: Abacus 1975
LUCRETIUS Th e Nature of the Universe (tr. R.E.Latham). Harmondsworth (UK): Penguin
Classics 1951
The translator’s name must be given, as a matter of respect for the profession. This will appear between parentheses after the title. E.g.:
PROPP, Vladimir 1928 Morphology of the Folktale (tr. Laurence Scott, rev. Louis A. Wagner).
Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press 1968, 1994.